7 reasons to soak:
Reduces or removes anti-nutrients such as phytates and tannins
Neutralises enzyme inhibitors
Aids digestibility
Encourages the production of beneficial enzymes
Increases the quantity of certain nutrients such as vitamins B2, B5 and B6
Makes proteins more readily available for absorption
Helps neutralise toxins contained in the colon and encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria
How to soak:
Use raw organic nuts, grains and seeds wherever possible.
Place them in a glass bowl and cover them with warm water with 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt (or 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of sodium/baking soda) dissolved in it. Use 2 parts of water to 1 part of nuts/grains/seeds.
Keep the bowl at room temperature covered with a thin tea towel. Soak the food for the recommended amount of time (see table below).
Drain and rinse thoroughly until the water comes out clear.
8 reasons to sprout:
produces vitamin C
increases vitamin B content, especially in vitamins B2, B5 and B6
increases carotene content eightfold
neutralises phytic acid, a substance that inhibits absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc
neutralises enzymes inhibitors
breaks down complex sugars responsible for intestinal gas
inactivates aflatoxins, potent carcinogens found in grains
produces numerous enzymes that help digestion
How to sprout:
For best results use organic, GM free, non-irradiated grains and seeds. Nuts must be soaked overnight in warm salted water in order to sprout, unless they are skinless
Use a special sprouting jar/tray or a mason jar.
Place the soaked and rinsed nuts/grains/seeds in the jar - the jar should be no more than one third full, cover with the lid or a cloth, and lay the jar down on an angle to allow the excess water to drain. Leave to sit in the light.
Every eight hours, thoroughly rinse the contents of the jar by filling it with water, placing a lid on the jar, shaking, and then draining well. Repeat until the end of the recommended sprouting time
Do a final very thorough rinse by rinsing and draining a few times and then allow the sprouts to dry completely, otherwise they will spoil.
Once completely dry to the touch, store sprouts in the fridge for use.
Most sprouts will keep in the fridge for 2 - 3 days.
How to use sprouted grains, nuts and seeds
Sprout seeds: use in salads and sandwiches – their lighter in texture mesh really well.
Sprouted grains: use in cereals, granolas, or desserts. Warning: don’t overconsume raw sprouted grains as they contain irritating substances. Lightly steaming or adding them to soups and casseroles neutralises these substances.
Sprouted beans/legumes: cook or steam them after sprouting, and enjoy
as you would cooking them without the soaking/sprouting process.
Sprouted nuts/seeds: use in homemade nut milks, cashew cheeses, patés, or sprouted and dehydrated for a crunchy snack.
Warning: don’t try sprouting kidney beans, as they are toxic when raw.
Warning: it is NOT recommended to sprout alfalfa as alfalfa sprouts inhibit the immune system and can contribute to inflammatory arthritis and lupus.